You Have To Wake Up: Strength Is Over-Rated.
Would you rather be the slave or the master?
A few years ago I had a thought, it was more like a question really, one I couldn’t answer on my own. So the next time I was with friends, I made sure to ask them for answers. My question was: “The slave is stronger than the master, how is it then that the stronger one served the other?”
To the best of their ability, one answered: “Well, you have to keep in mind the unbearable circumstances the people went through. They were forced into submission. It was either that or watch as their brand new just delivered baby get taken from its mother just to get slaughtered in front of her and her husband.” Another continued “Also, some of the men got castrated as an example to the others. The other unlucky ones, especially the strongest of the group, would get seriously violated in front of the clan.”
I wasn’t satisfied. Something is missing.
Let’s go back further in time, there were once gladiators who were swordsmen and skilled craftsmen amongst other regular slaves owned by someone else. Some finding their way to slavery because they couldn’t pay their debt so they worked for a master till their debt was hopefully paid off. These fighting men would in fact fight for their lives, the last one breathing recognized as the victorious one — for that day. Some men having to fight more than once a day at the pleasure of the towns people. Lose you die, pretty much, or was it die you lose? Either way, only one out of both fighters saw the next day. I wasn’t alive then but I can imagine some of the fighting men were better looking, clearly more (physically) powerful, some must have been taller, faster, more cruel, plus a bunch of other adjectives — than their slave master. How is it then that the trained killer served the more vulnerable master?
Let’s move on from the socially acceptable meaning of slavery to the more modern hidden in plain sight slavery. Oh, dont be so pious to think the desire of man to own the other just “went away”. Humans did not become more righteous or more concerned about the wellbeing of another. The pursuit, pleasure, desire to own slaves did not simply “go away”. No, it didn’t. The thirst to overcome the other just adjusted with the times. The less it’s seen, the less it’s talked about. The less it’s talked about, the more effective it is. Just as burning witches at the stand was once a thing, now adays most people could care less what your denomination is — as long as “your thing” does not affect them and their family. Slavery is the same.
Let’s compare: The gladiators (some of them) became slaves because they couldn’t pay their debt, all they had was their life so they gave that in service to their master, hoping to get their life back before they died.
Modern humans became slaves because they couldn’t pay their debt, all they had was their future years so they commit their future self and future earnings to repay their master, hoping to get their life back before they die.
So before we judge people of the past for being foolish, understand human nature has not changed by much. If we were somehow thrown back to ancient times, most of our habits would replay the same way. While most ancient people might have gone into debt for drinking too much, we go into debt today for things we don’t even want.
I don’t mean to offend, maybe you should be offended, not because of what you’re reading but because of a game you’re playing without knowing its being played. Let me clarify, it’s not in the best interest of modern society if everyone was to awaken to this knowledge. It’s hard enough having people show up to work on time and be productive throughout their eight, ten or twelve hour shifts. As almost every employee I meet tells me when I ask them why do you work?, “they have bills to pay”, so they work. I’m not against working, societies advance only if people dedicate themselves and their time to work. What I’m campaigning for is — recognize who you work for.
While the “put people on ships, to be slaves on a different continent” slaveowners were more heartless and evil, there’s a common theme regarding slavery. For slavery to be in effect, first of foremost, the society has to be accepting of that form of slavery. The ancient crowd enjoyed people fighting to the death and cheered for it, so it was a thing. Today, there’d be too many protests, so it’s not a thing. What is a thing today, however, is society encourages the “get in debt to look better than your neighbor then work all your life to go from red to black” mentality. So slave masters adjusted.
Allow me to blow your mind. You see, the whole concept of slavery — apart from humans being the most cunning, manipulative, vindictive, and merciless creatures known to the world — slavery wasn’t personal (wasn’t supposed to be), it was simply financial and survival.
The truth of it is — the more the slave did, the less the master had to do. Simple. That means the more products the slave produces, the less the master has to produce themselves. With enough slaves to produce as needed, the master can do whatever with their time. While the slaves did physical work, their master was resigned to more mental work.
Sound familiar? Do you know anywhere else this concept is applied? People at the “bottom” doing more than people at the top? One could argue the people at the top do some strenous work, but that’s not the arguement. I can do mental work as I eat, take a walk, relax on a comfortable couch in a plush office with a killer view, instead of slaving under the sun peeling my skin away. I hope you see the difference.
The make money while doing less is a catch only a few people can turn down, no matter what the person says to “reject” the idea. So before you blame the concept of slavery or condemn slave owners understand that it is almost human nature to want more for less. In fact that is the whole concept behind scams and frauds. We get exploited everyday because we want more for less. So pay no mind to whomever says they don’t care for getting more for less, because they are either lying to you or worse lying to both you and themselves. More for less is the fabric of society, from consumer shopping to health, relationships and almost everything else people engage in. We all want more for less. What should be avoided is not getting more for less — what should be avoided is the (moral) cost of getting more for less. That’s the difference between crooks and “honest” business men.
You owe money to people? that’s not good. Pay them off! not because some financial guru on youtube told you to do so, pay them off because in the words of Mr Robot: “I will not be owned”.
While our forefathers did not have much say on being subjected into slavery, and the gladiators did not have AA meetings to help them out. With modern slavery, surprisingly, the (current) system is not to be blamed. You are to be blamed. Our parents are to be blamed. That’s right. The problem’s not the (current) system. There are no whips, there are no chains, no forced labor, it’s all willfull labor, people forcing themselves by themselves.
The system says: “I will give you what you want. Whatever your heart desires that money can buy, I will give it to you — and you work for me.” Where we miss the mark is: We then ask for stupid things. For me, sneakers, going out every weekend, expensive and frequent romantic dates, travels (so I could escape the soulless job) — that’s what I wanted and that was what I asked for. So naive, so young. What you should ask for is not a car, maybe not even a house. You definitely should not be asking for a vacation or a new mattress. The only reason to go into debt (apart from extreme health issue) would be to start your own company. Then give your life and the life of your first child to make sure that company works. You pay off the credit card, and never look back. That’s the only reason to go into debt. To create a means of repaying the debt. And, you have to be successful.
If you’re not ready to give your everything for your company, do not start one and sure as heavens do not take out a loan. Instead of being a slave, you become a business partner. For this is the only way. I blame myself for being focused on the wrong things because thats what “people my age should be focused on”. Such foolish advise. I blame myself and the generation before me for acting without knowledge — the lack of knowledge does not absolve guilt. Just as law enforcement officers are taught that ignorance of the law does not exempt the law, and as Jordan Peterson wrote: “if you don’t believe in brickwalls, you will still be injured when you run headlong into one.” In the same sense, I can’t blame the system for extending credit/possibilities/genies kettle to me, I can only blame myself for entering a game I did not know or care to learn how to play. And, shame on the previous generation for not recognizing for themselves and making the information readily available for the young ones. It’s easy for me to say, so I’m going to go ahead and say it. The utmost folly it is, for each generation to fall into the same (financial) trap. The same storm that raises one to great heights, drowns the other. Don’t wish away the storm, wish you were better.
The people behind credit card (car dealerships, underpaid corporations, cable, car insurance) companies are not physically stronger than you, they don’t have to be. They are not as good looking as you, they are not as confident as you, they are not fun to be around as you, they are not as healthy as you, they are not as pleasuring as you, they can’t give their girlfriends orgasms like you can, they don’t have to have your incredible sense of humor, they don’t have talent as you, they don’t have better morales than you, they don’t have self control as you, or motivation as you, they are not faster than you are — but they are smarter. (As long as you take their candy {debt}, they own you and all your “gifts”). “Leave the candy there long enough, one of them is going to take it.”
In the words of Jay-Z. There is no such thing as a ugly Billionaire.
With Love,
Famous Steve.