Story Time: A Passing Tale Of Fathers.
Son, sit down, let me tell you a story about me so you can understand who you are.
Before me, was my father. Before him, his father. Before his father, his father’s father and before him, his father. You see son, before me, were a legion of men, some of whom I look like, others I act like. My fathers and their fathers, while they might all be gone, their lessons remain. And, surviving life requires the consultation and application of their lessons.
Each of these men had an assigned fate. They all had their span of days outlined for the duration of their life. For me to be, they all had to be. What circumstances they went through and how they brought themselves through it, courage or fear, hope or depth gets imbedded and transmitted through time. Their knowledge passed through a non verbal, non visual communication, encoded, encrypted and transmitted through our blood line, passed from one generation into the new one.
Understand son, that each of my fathers’ had to go through what they did, for me to be equipped enough for my own assignment. You see son, my life’s assignment requires all the strengths of my fathers. Therefore, wisdom passed on down through bloodline can be accessible by me, as I reach certain patches in my life’s journey.
My fathers before me were warriors, though each faced different battles, the essence of their conquest was for them to learn a lesson they could pass down to me, to better prepare me for the conquests I would face. Now what does that say about you?
Well, I was born before you so I could get a head start on understanding the laws of the earth. So, when you finally come along, I can report to you all that I have been able to gather. Each generation, servant to the next.
The battle does not end with me. No. But it could end with you, if you don’t have an heir to progress our name and further the bloodline of your fathers. It’s like your video game. You take on level 1 but your son progresses to level 2.
Each generation is a level, I can only play my level, share knowledge with you on how I went about my level, so you have resources to tap, on how to conquer your level. You will struggle if you choose to relearn the whole game, you will struggle without knowledge of my journey. You will struggle if pride makes you think you are the beginning and end of all levels. For many have suffered for you to be here and the existence of many depends on you.
You do not have enough years to relearn for yourself the whole rules to the game nor to experience the whole levels. That’s why your friends go read history books which are books written by fathers telling sons how they navigated their level. You have to be content with your level and give your might for your level. You will at certain times have to face your fathers’ mistakes but make sure not to make the mistake of wasting away trying to relive or correct every mistake of your fathers, accept your fathers’ did their best based on how they know to improve your life. See the world for what it is at your level, learn what the world needs, go about its ordeal, improve it, prosper in connection with your heritage.
You can’t go back in time to experience your fathers’ history for yourself. You have to believe the wise teachings of your fathers, exercise their beliefs, improve yet remember that their level is not your level and all their maneuvers would not be entirely compatible with yours. You will win if you tap into everything that’s been built for you, from all your fathers. All they did was with you in mind. All the knowledge from each level and the difficulty of the last level, all of which would help you overcome your level. But it does not stop there son.
You see, after your level, now you have to prepare your children on what your fathers went through and what you went through and how they can better overcome their level. For they might not meet your father nor know your father’s father but they know you and you are servant to them. Their history you owe to them.
Be careful of your blood, son. You live in fear, you pass down fear to the next generation. You live bold and free and you pass down boldness and a desire to sustain freedom. Pieces, from all your acts, would be summarized and passed down to those who follow after you. So don’t do too many foolish things, make sure to attempt a lot of courage, not only for your sake but for how your children should act. Make sure those without traditions do not lure you to abandon your traditions, for culture is the few variety of existence.
Our game stops when we have no more heir to carry on our name. But until then, we play. We play this exciting relay game and as long as we hold on to the strong grip of strength with our fathers, and have sensible heirs who are dedicated to the mission started before them, we will continue a connection that transcends time, from which our bloodline shall overcome the coarseness of life. For while you and I would be gone someday, the summary of us carries on, in the life source of our people, who would come years after us. Our experiences would speak to them through the blood that runs within them. For we go away to become part of the tree, making way for our young, the apples. Eventually they’ll also go back to the tree to infuse knowledge into the next apples. And just like that, through time, each apple maintains a strong resemblance to the tree.
A legion of men had to come before you, for you to be. Make them proud. A legion of men would come after, to continue who you’ve been. Make them great.