Principle Leads You In (or away from) The Direction Of Your Potential.

Famous Steve
3 min readAug 3, 2019


There’s a method to the madness. People function a particular way because of a self believed principle. In fact, for almost everything we do in life, there’s an acceptable reason we give ourselves before we engage.
Either in the form of “I’m helpless to this”, “I want/choose to do this”, or “If this is happening to me then I must deserve it”, there is a rationalization going on for almost all of our actions. Good or bad.

I do agree your actions should, at least, make sense to you, even if they don’t make sense to anyone else. The important reasoning is for you to know why you’re doing something and hopefully agree with it.
However, we are not always the greatest decision makers. Sometimes our thoughts and actions align with our intentions, but time to time, I find my actions very different from what I’d prefer to do.

It becomes compulsory for one to periodically evaluate the path of their life. Should a practice or principle derail you from where you ought to be, then identify that the practice or principle should change. Identify, first. Summon courage to change, after. The drawback is that most of us review our lives from a colored glass point of view (due to confirmation bias).
Where we associate the things that worked out to our core principle and detach ourselves from the unfortunate occurrences in our life. Just maybe our set of principles cause the unfortunate and the fortunate is who we really could be, should we adjust our thinking.

Principles Separate Those Who Want From Those Who Have.

In the last two weeks, I’ve met people who seem to believe in the eventuality of chance. “This isn’t happening because. . .until this happens, that won’t happen”. When I encounter a person making an effort to recruit me to their logic of doing — it helps me self examine what I would do in their given logical scenario.

I believe in God. I believe life is best lived when we’d rather have what God has for us than continuously drawn by our own wants and desires. I also believe, things would happen when you set them in motion. And both beliefs are not conflicting. For example, I believe — When you improve your craft, you’d get better. So when someone makes excuses as to why a person should not bother improving their craft, I question their decision maker.

Humans are the most beautiful creation and most of our activities are unseen to the natural eyes. There is a reason you do what you do, how you do it, when you do it. Not a lot of things are “by accident” like most people seem to believe. The one who could attain a clear grasp on the activity of their mind and logic, stands a better chance of engineering the direction of their life, rather than being pulled along for the ride.

Not everything is up to chance. There would be people patiently waiting for chance to happen to them, and in some situations, chance is the way to go.
However, when it comes to accomplishing goals, “chance”, “luck” or other synonyms happen to those who make it happen. You manufacture your success. It’s not taken off the production line and handed to you.
Identify where you want to go and follow the path or create a path leading to your destination, despite rain or shine. Figuratively speaking, if the sun is “chance”, you still have to be prepared to use “chance” to your benefit.
You have to walk your journey while the sun (chance) shines. It’s not enough to wait for things to happen to you, it’d take opportunity and preparedness.

The most important undertaking a person could take on, is to examine how they limit themselves. In action, or in principle. You have the power to do great things. You can still do great things.

With Love,

Famous Steve.



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