Poem: Superglue Hands.

Famous Steve
5 min readMay 10, 2024


Who are your heroes?
who do you talk about?
what color are your stories?
pick a side, which side do you pick?
what we see, influences us
those we want to be like, validates us
the more we want to be like someone else
the less, we are ourselves
the more we fashion after another
the less, of our fashion we discover.
Life is not to be lived in the bubble of selfness
you do not learn about your life
until you know what another
has shared about their life
but even with that,
knowledge should not equal emulation
this knowledge,
and many others — this comes with age.
A lot comes with age
and the older we get,
the blindness of life wears off
the older we get,
the more disconnected we become
with those still blinded by life.

Who are your heroes?
who do you talk about?
what color are your stories?
pick a side, which side do you pick?
when you look at another
what they have is what you want
but rarely
would what they have
make you as happy as you think.
To have, does not mean all is well
rarely, if ever
do you have, with less required of you.
Life is a giving adventure.
If you are to breathe in
you have to give a breathe back out
you attempt to change that
and life will change your participation
for each progress that you enjoy
a subsequent effort will be required.
You receive fortune
you give an effort back out
— effort to protect the fortune, effort to enjoy it
an effort to be comfortable with having fortune
Life is a giving adventure.
Everything they have, something they give
something they gave lead to something to have
but something they have means something they give.
To get, you give.
To keep, you give.
To continue to keep, you will continue to give.
You attempt to change that
and fortune will change your participation
When you look at another and admire what they have
spare a thought to what they continue to give.
It is a blindness of life
that you not know
all that it costs another,
till it’s too late for you not to know.
The true cost to have
is a bargain between them and life
Yet I hope for thee that ye may not fall in a pit,
trying to reach the ceiling.
May you be content
with all that is working for you.

Who are your heroes?
who do you talk about?
what color are your stories?
pick a side, which side do you pick?
when you go left
and smack into a brick wall
you bounce right
but go into a fenced wall
stop, wait, take time, think.
When you go straight and meet no resistance,
you try left again, but no passage
wise will it be for you to leave left alone, leave right alone
and keep going straight.
When you want yellow because human desire can be a burning fire
a fire fueled by their comparison to another
when you want yellow because human wants are endless
when you want yellow but the green that you have
is working good for you
stop, wait, take time, if you think at all,
think twice before you reject that green
desire is a burning fire and those burning rarely think
for to chase yellow is possible
and truly,
happiness can come with getting your desire
yet be reminded
more work also comes with the getting
between happiness and work
only one is guaranteed, the other is wait and see
for more work is a certainty, whereas happiness is sincerity
you can win life, you can win in life
you can win with green, you can, truly leave green for yellow
but knowing when is knowledge, knowing why is truth
knowing which is grace.
Before you upend your life because desire is a burning fire
Before you abandon green to chase yellow
Figure out what works, by knowing what works for you
know what works for you, by seeing what is working for you.
It is important you hold steadfast to what is more important
and that is
figure what life is giving you
for brick walls are there to protect you from what isn’t yours
life’s walls are there to protect — you.
Yet in fallacy are we taught to “break down walls”
Your teachers didn’t teach you to leave alone life’s walls.
Life walls cannot be broken and amany wasted lives you will find
wailing day and night, in strive, riddled with disappointment
that the impossible remained impossible
hitting your head on walls doesn’t reflect brilliance.
Walls can protect you by restricting you or restricting others,
this is life’s walls that cannot be broken. Hit your head not against it.
Walls can prevent you by restricting you or restricting others,
this is Human Walls.
If a human wall restricts what Life has for you, break it.
Break down human walls built to reduce what is good for you.
And what is good for you, is found on the path of life for you.
What life is giving you, should be held with superglue hands.
That is wisdom, wisdom comes with experience
and to know your experience, first know yourself and know life.
Wail not, leave life’s wall, break restricting human wall.

Who are your heroes?
who do you talk about?
what color are your stories?
pick a side, which side do you pick?
because we’ve been taught to, and because we now want to
we restrict that which is easy, we frown against that which is obvious
yet open road should be walked.
Simple things are too complicated for humans
we extract self worth from complexity
we strive for comparison
we see what others have but know not what they sacrificed
we see what they have yet know not what they wished they had
what is yours, is presently yours
what should be yours, is based on how far you’ve come
what will be yours, has no relation to what you want to be yours.
Yet in all things, is it in your power to be grateful and welcoming
for all that is yours, is already, presently, yours.
What’s more to come, only fortune knows.
To be grateful is to think.
Those burning rarely think.
Gratitude with sincerity quenches the overpowering fires of desire
To enjoy, is to want nothing in addition to.
To be grateful is to desire what you — already — have.
Therefore, learn ye this day to enjoy and be grateful
Shed the blindness.
Peace be unto you.



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