Poem: One Giant Leap At A Time.

Famous Steve
3 min readDec 21, 2021


who would you be,
if you could be anyone?
what would you choose to see
if you could
only see one thing forever?
where would you go,
if you could only live in one place?
if all the options were shrinked down
how would you cope?
if all the confusing alternatives
were suddenly removed
would it be easier for you to decide?
if you had to live
with the consequences
of what you choose,
how would you choose?
would you choose?
would you choose at all
or spend your life going back and forth
on what to choose?
how does options affect you,
are you aware of how options affect you?
your life is precious, that is true
your story unique
but you are predictable
don’t worry, so am I
we suffer
from the same disease
give me a pen, some sun light
give me paper and something to drink
in a few minutes
I’ll draw my setbacks
and write my mistakes
Because now I know,
it’s clear as day
How I’ve missed my way
But before you judge
You should know
I only make good decisions
that’s right
bad decisions dress up as good decisions
and sometime it fools me
other times when my brain functions properly
I wait a day
maybe two, maybe three
as the make up start to come off
I realize
what was good decision in disguise
would have been
bad decision in reality.
But it’s not just me or maybe it is me
if you take my name, sell my shoes, control my life
I still would not be a better person
not because of your thirst for control
but how life really works
my becoming a better person
simply lies in my hands
and that obligation cannot be taken away
don’t worry, the same is true for you
the essence of life is to improve life
yet the only reliable evidence
is based on one thing only
and that one thing is good decisions
your entire life boiled down to this
— your good decisions
not the one dressed up as good decisions
but your actual good decisions
I know, it’s tough to know
which is which
here’s the simple:
good decisions = good life
and some times
like many times
the opportunity to make a good decision
is wrapped with the sense to make no decision
if you eradicate hasty decisions
and calm the need to rush to make a decision
if you bask in the emptiness,
you know
that void between yes and no
while you agree with yourself
on what you want
before choosing life or death
if you can embrace the difficulty
of making good decisions
you might stand a chance
in making some good decisions
and while some is not a lot,
it is much more than most can boast of
it’s not humble to boast
but when it comes to making good decisions
you should have something to boast about
so get out there, and make some damn good decisions
your good life depends on it.



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