Poem: In Peace & In Trouble.

Famous Steve
1 min readMay 2, 2022


Whilst in comfort,
senses go idle.
When all is well,
we become unaware.
But a slight discomfort,
sparks up life.
Bring up court,
put self on trial
display your life,
for you to see.
Are you alive,
without fight or flight?
are you conscious,
at the peak of excitement?
are you engaging,
whilst you have all that you have?
we question religion, when in peace
we live worldly, when in comfort
yet we pray, when in trouble
and pious, when in need.
it’s said of us to be atheists in peace
and religious in trouble.
At the height of your life,
are you alive?
before the decline from grace
are you present?
at the best part of the show
are you observant?
when on a high, before your fall,
are you aware?
when the going is good
can you tell?
we are known to be dead in peace,
alive in trouble.
dull in peace, smart in trouble.
atheists in peace, religious in trouble.
Our senses come alive
when we’re in a tight box.
Instead of tight boxes,
should we prefer dormant senses?
observe your ways, answer in truth
begin your trial, determine your penance.



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