Poem: I’m Nice Like That.
I’m nice,
Like quick on feet,
Like MJ nice,
“Jackson, Jordan, take your pick”
I’m nice,
Like clean nice,
“Everytime I step up in the building
everybody hand go up, and they stay there”
I’m nice,
Like reliable nice,
If you can reach me,
Chances are I’ll be there for you
I’m nice,
Like I can help nice,
When others say no,
I probably say yes.
I’m nice,
Like I have good thoughts nice
Like I think we can make living enjoyable
for ourselves and the next person nice
I’m nice,
Like buy you presents when I visit you nice
Like dance on the street
Like walk in the rain without umbrella nice
I’m nice
Like quick with words
Dish and take,
laugh it off, no issues nice.
I’m nice,
Like I fuss once every two years,
Like I’m unfamiliar with the emotions of anger nice
Like I’m always chill, forever optimistic nice
I’m nice,
Like help old lady with her grocery bag nice
Like yes sir, yes ma’m nice
like Chik-fil-a “my pleasure” nice
I’m nice,
like always smiling nice
Like I’m just happy to be here,
Happy to be alive nice
They say nice people finish last
They clearly wasn’t talking about me
They say nice people have no back bone
They clearly haven’t seen my squats
They say you can’t always be nice
They forget you can tell a person
to fcuk off while being nice
They say you can’t go far being nice
they obviously haven’t seen:
The Old Man and the Gun
They say being nice is weak
They confuse being rude with strength — how confusing
They say this, they say that, I forget all they say
But whatever they say
You should know,
To be nice does not mean to be a door mat.
To be nice is to reflect hope for humanity.