Poem: Cheese or Crackers

Famous Steve
4 min readNov 23, 2021


What does it mean, to be lost?
To be lost is to not know whence you head.
To be oblivious to the destination of your path.
To be lost is to not know where you are.
Knowing not where.
Knowing not.
To be lost requires knowing,
An idea of your destination.
To be lost requires recognition,
Recognizing being en route away from that destination.
To be lost is to know you don’t know where.

It upsets to think of being lost in life.
It is a constant hassle to wonder where
— where in life are you?, where do you head?
Yet, it is more mental than it is otherwise.
What if instead of “a hero on a journey”
You were instead a traveler on a road.
The path dictates the destination.
Not a pre-thought, not a strongly held onto idea of a destination.
But instead an enlightenment,
Where one is no longer lost, but just traveling through.

What does it mean to be trapped?
To be trapped is to not know when you’d regain mobility
The answer then belonging to another entity outside of yourself
Or a limitation strongly held on to inside yourself
To be trapped suggests wanting adjustments yet receiving none
To be restricted is to struggle with no improvement
To want and not get
To no longer want and yet be held stedfast
To be trapped is to know you don’t know when.

It irritates to acknowledge being trapped in time
It is a constant hassle to wonder when
— when would you? when is it time?
For we are entirely helpless in challenging time.
Our competence is no match influencing time.
What if instead, surrender is what we choose?
Recognizing that a moment here,
Is as valuable as a moment there.
And should the opportunity to go there come up, one would.
However till then, one cease not to exist,
But ensure to bask in that which is now available.
Then your mindset is no longer trapped but kept in waiting.
For the wise say patience is a virtue.
Really, the only difference between us and a patient person is simple:
The patient is he who’s learned to attain comfort in being trapped.
For only the right time is the right time.
Which means any other time is indeed the wrong time.
Would you rather be trapped till the right time to reveal your glory?
Or would you rather be unrestricted
To wander continuously through out the periods of wrong times?
You can work with what life brings you and what time allows you.
Or you can tirelessly orchestrate attempts
To overpower the influence of life and time.

Either way, perspective.

A Hero and a Traveler are both on a journey.
Yet their relationship with the experiences
that abounds life’s trail is processed differently.
For one, it is a means to an end.
For the other, it might very well be the end.
Do we know how to be anything other than a hero?
I think not.
We were raised and fed to be heroes
Are we then condemned to our frustrations?
Simply because we would rather:
“win a price”
“reach a goal”
“arrive at our destination”
we would rather have an out of reach purpose,
a cheese to chase.
Than reduce ourselves to seeing the price in where we are,
recognizing the goal we’ve reached,
accept the destination we can reach.
Forgetting that which is away from us,
And celebrating that which is around us.
Rather than chase a cheese, we simply walk.
Walk to where the path leads,
Should we find crackers instead of cheese,
a traveler enjoys it just the same.

Sometimes being lost is what’s best for us.
It forces the human to see where they are.
You know, to look around, notice.
Sometimes being trapped is what’s best for us.
It promises the opportunity to wait for the right time
while having the option to enjoy what’s around,
But —
If there’s ever a concept most appalling to a human,
that would be for said human to be lost and trapped.
The removal of the allure of (false) control
Is devastating to the cognition of a human.
Which a human would forever attest.
Humans thrive on the recognition of control
Either resultful or not.
Either purposeful or not.
Either impactful or false.

Either way, perspective.

Should circumstances outside the controls of man
Ensure your limitation, then it becomes a matter of perspective.



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