One Step Towards Writing Again, Despite Life’s To-do.
It sounds rather simple. “You wake up with a knowledge of what to do today.
You hurry. Rush out the door and engage the world”. Shockingly —
Living is neither easy nor simple. Ever since I decided to live my best life, it seems the requirement for survival got turned up higher.
A better life tomorrow, requires a lot of sweat today. And, it’s been a lot of sowing and sweating. I’m either fixing this and that for other people or I’m improving my skillset to be sharper (mind), better (self control) with clear sight (ability to forecast correctly) for the next day. Improving takes time, improving on one thing takes you away from other things. Opportunity cost.
I enjoy writing. there’s almost always content for me to write about, but there are very few occasions I actually sit down to write. My energy is either depleted from all the to-dos or my attention span is long gone. I tend to go so hard laying foundations on other areas of life, when I do have free time, I absolutely do not want to do anything.
I agree, the key to a healthy lifestyle and mental model is finding a balance. Life, however, is not a perfect box of tools. It is much tougher to find the middle ground when dealing with multiple interesting extremes.
I also know, for me to write tomorrow, I have to write today. The interest relies on consistency. The action relies on interest.
For there to be consistency, certain things have to be done before certain periods of the day. For me to read, I have to write first. For me to lift weights, I have to skip first. For me to write, I have to sleep first.
Writing for me, is best to happen first thing in the morning, preferably before 8am. Anything past, and the probability nose dives. There is a finite amount of attention I start each day with. Before news and other mood affecting situations find themselves to me, I can fully concentrate on putting words down, like I’m doing right now. It is important that I write, not just for my edification but also publish.
Writing, to me, is reminding my future self about my present self. For my future self would not remember details of every day lived or how my present self survived against odds. The core principles of happiness, success and well being often carries over despite change in individual’s behavior or insight. I would rather build up on what I’ve learned. Plus, the added possibility my lessons might benefit the life of another who reads it.
So, I will try today. And, hope this carries over into tomorrow. I will fall off the wagon because of. . .life. However, I hope to find my way back, at least one day next week. (Ability to forecast correctly).
Here we go.
With Love,
Famous Steve.