Mind: Zero Reason.

Famous Steve
15 min readFeb 5, 2025


In my opinion, the only task of experiencing life is to ponder the beginning of life.

Thoughts regarding the beginning of life often revolve around the creation of life and thus the Creator of life. I believe the only purpose of life is to find the Creator. Everything else is man made, that is — given to you, influenced upon you by the restrictions and thinking of another human being, dead or in parliament.

In my daily soliloquizing, tracing my thoughts as far back as they can go, in imagination, I think of what I don’t know and seek answers to what I can’t prove.

Recently, very recently, like three days less than a week ago, I remember on one of my walks, pondering the presence and extent of randomness in daily living.

In my deep thoughts about the beginning of life, I uncovered two concepts. First being Random versus Prescribed. The other being The Special Mindset.

Humans somehow, someway are misled to think we, you, I am special. From our millennial upbringing to our fabric wrapped life experiences to our babied adulthood, somewhere between hospital walls wailing as a new born to the over entitled self absorbed limited thinker in the graduation halls of some overpriced college, humans pick up this self importance mentality.

You are not important. I am not special. These sound like cuss words, very offensive. So, I’ll make them bold. You are not important. I am not special. Contrary to popular consciousness and parental fattening, You are not important. I am not special. In view of all your accomplishments, entitlements and thousands of religious teachings, mine too, You are not important. I am not special.

Present day humans are very fickle, mentally weak and unprepared. Very harsh. I would bet one toe to say a random person from ages past is more equipped to survive life than a random person from today. In “modern” age, you see people fall apart completely over the silliest of reasons. This used to be a mockery of the French and Italian by the Scottish, some many hundreds of years ago, especially when citizens of those countries were compared to citizens of America (Native Americans). But today, cry babies are a norm.

When things happen to a person, they wail “how could this happen to me?”, that is self importance rearing its head as if to say I am too good for such devastation to happen to, perhaps someone else would be better suited for this suffering. Sometimes the weight of the unfortunate event can be so great to make one wish the cup passes them over. Understandable.

Pain is not comfortable, nor is it convenient, nor is it wished upon self. Pain however is equally shared to all, accordingly, to greater or lesser impact to daily living. It could be your turn today and another’s tomorrow but it is prescribed for all. There is a place for suck it up and move on. It’s just these days millions and millions of people are incapable of suckin’ it up and millions more are incapable of moving on.

Keep in mind, I write this wrapped in the comfort of life, and perspective is derived from one’s privilege. So a lot of these perspectives would be “easy for me to say” as they say. I have known pain, but today I have no (serious) pain. I have known worries, today, I have no (serious) worries. I happen to live a simple privileged life, thank God. Yet, I still write thus. Humans are deceived by their teachers.

What use is it to tell a person they’re not special? Does that mean no one is special or only special people are special? Back back back in the day, inhabitants of the Royal house were special, everyone else their subject. Then “special” shifted to Wealth — the wealthy, the aristocrats were special, peasant everyone else. Shortly after special shifted to Talent. And, today special is wide spread because “people simply cannot handle”. Johnny deserves a trophy for showing up. What if the word Special was the issue? Don’t blame the gatekeepers of society, the public have festered this desire to hold something as special hence the many gods people serve and also hold someone as special, one above others. An imaginary struggle then ensues. John Doe now has to be better than the Joneses. Consumption skyrockets, wars load up its guns, push one society down, fattening another.

If you leave people alone, they would find something to worship.
If you leave people to themselves, they would find someone to bow to.
That thinking should be unlearnt, however impossible.

Is it better for a person to think they are special as opposed to being reminded that they are nothing special? The major reason for societal delusion is to raise the quality of life. And, the quality of life for someone who was raised with the “you’re not an accident, you’re special, God knows your name” programming might be slightly higher at certain instances (in the good times) and plummets in times of trouble. The reasoning tend to go, if God knows my name and this still happened to me, then there must be no God. How can there be a God who watches people suffer. How prideful. Go see life in the jungle and see what true suffering really is. Your difficulty does not disprove the Creator. You are simply not important enough for whatever you go through to be of any significance in measuring the existence of the Creator of the Sun. Quit the self important foolery. Very harsh today.

While a person who was raised as life is life, I am no more special than you are, I bleed, you bleed. Hunger kills all, so I will make sure to not go hungry for too long, you do the same. Don’t come challenging me because I will defend my life and my family at the expense of your life and your family. Someone who grows up with this rhetoric is neither too high on life nor too low on life. When good things happen, they enjoy it knowing while today life is a peach, life is still a beech. When trouble comes, they ride through it knowing it could have well happened to anybody and this is just their turn to go through tough rocks. These people are rare, they move different and speak almost without hope nor excitement. Is this the better way to live?Compared to those millennials bouncing off the wall, filled with the excitement of life, amped on all the expectations that life owes them.

There is a place for social programming. I don’t blame the gatekeepers at all for all the illusions and story telling to keep people out of bed, spinning wheels. There’s really not much to life, we find ourselves here with no relation with those who got here first, we are simply making the best of what we have until each generation passes away or until some answers are found. We come up with governments, we come up with religious stories, we come up with science, we come up with “spiritual awareness”, we come up with good books, black books, cult books, constitutional books and all sorts of mind shaping literature — all to make some sense of where we find ourselves, alive, on the earth and with the powerful ability to procreate. From birth to death, gatekeepers have to ponder how people would fill up those hours, countless hours with many questions, how do you make it count?

Life expectancy will be very low for those who see life as simply life. Society cannot have that. So we package the special messaging, brand it properly and deploy in mass packaging. Because, whilst there is infighting on who is more special, people are distracted for most of their life. By the time they come to, they’ve made society prosperous and already lived out the majority of their days.

A lot could be said and challenged when it comes to The Special Mindset.

That’s not the focus for today, the portion I want to share with you is the first thinking. Which is Random versus Prescribed. On the day I was faced with this line of thinking, I chose to accept that most things did not have a profound meaning behind them. Majority was random. A car runs over a squirrel? doesn’t mean the squirrel stole nuts, doesn’t mean the driver is not a lunatic. Some things have no (deep) meaning behind them. They simply happened. Tire over squirrel generally means tire wins, nothing against the chicken that crossed the road. No deep meaning behind that, some things simply happen with a period, end of story, right after.

Yet, as humans, our minds strain itself to attach some type of meaning to occurrences, no matter how simple, because we’ve been trained to believe that this is the only way we make sense of things, going back to the “special” thinking. But really some things good or bad, simply happen without rhyme or reason and the quicker we accept what we can’t explain the more peace there is to be had and the sooner you can move on with your day. The gurus would say “what did you learn from failing?”, ever noticed there isn’t much to learn sometimes from winning? It simply worked is often the response. Sometimes, doing nothing different brings a different result.

I experience life like everyone else, faced with the same programming though to lesser degree than most people. Sometimes my thinking shifts, somedays, I wander, rather carefully, beyond the teachings of the Bible and try to envision life’s story without the overpowering shadow of religious teachings. Somedays I have a moment of silence for those who chose fame over their soul, other days I write harsh words like those above, haha. Anyway, today, I go back to what I call my resetter. Mentally, it helps separate modern programming from my default preferred line of reasoning. I’m referring to a book written around 110AD. And whilst reading the book this morning, I am reminded that most of life is prescribed and few things in life are random. This I accept and believe, changing my position from more is random, less is prescribed to almost all is prescribed.

Based on that logic, we can deduce that it was destined, I’d write this. And prescribed you’d read this.

When you take on the mindset that things come to you — that is, destined for you, which is a mindset I’ve always had, you tend to go towards things than shy away from things. You tend to be open to opportunities than run from uncertainties.

When I was younger, like a decade ago, I would say “I lived for the firsts”. First time in a new country, first time trying a particular spicy dish, first time almost drowning, and that was the last time of Whitewater rafting in a very rapid water where twelve people already died at the time. But the point of sharing that is to say, the difference between going toward things and turning the other cheek is perspective. Perspective is rooted in the programming at the seat of your mind. The Bible talks about the renewal of your mind because if you go left for too long, you will be further away from who you recognize.

Let’s draw out the message. Something are unexplainable. The inability to explain the meaning of an event does not devoid the event of meaning. Instead it highlights the limit of human. Which is absolutely alright.

When you take the plunge with me and allow some time in your day to ponder the earth you live in and the wonders of the sky surrounding you, you will soon understand just how small humans are, how unimportant one person’s life is compared to the next person. It would break your heart how cruel people are to others because of the false belief of being more important than others.

My intention was not to deflate your self esteem or confuse your purpose though it would be prideful to think anything I’ve written could have such effect, so instead I would state my intention. Here goes:

There very well might be a reason good things happened to you, reason we will never know. As a conscious group, we come up with the concept of karma to explain away what we don’t know. At the basic level, reducing programming, there very well might be a reason good things happened to you, reason we will never know. There also might be zero reason why a terrible thing happened to you. At the very basic level of life, we understand that good things happen and terrible things happen. Events is what life gives to us, meaning is what we give events on behalf of life.

There are many reasonings sown into the fabric of society to encourage good behavior and to advance societal prosperity — but most of these have become feel good thinking and their underwhelming reward leaves many people lost and confused when what they were promised doesn’t match the reality.

Being a “good” person does not mean terrible things won’t happen to you. Yet, be a good person because there is genuine peace with keeping good relations with those around you. That is its own reward. Do not do good because of what you would get in the future, that is one way to disappoint self. With all the good Jesus did in the moment, you know how the future turned out for Him. Be in the here and now, the future will take care of itself.

Being a giver does not mean others will give you in your time of need. I struggled with this realization when I was younger. In fact, those you give to are not obligated (and generally would not) give to you should you be in need. Repaying a debt is a major inconvenience people push away from. Yet, be a giver because generosity brings genuine good feelings. With more givers, higher chance of meeting a giver when in need. Giving is its own reward. Giving probably has no relation with receiving. Forget the programming of those who give bountifully would reap bountifully. Give bountifully if you choose, but not because you would be owed bountiful return. Givers never lack sounds like a winning statement, don’t be fooled. Give not to lack. Give to enable another but no at the expense of your survival. A smart person once said don’t put yourself on fire to keep another warm. I say, don’t be a fool. Leave the funny sounding rhetorics in the basket and protect yourself at all times.

Just as facing hard times does not mean you are terrible. One can be evil and prosperous, that does not mean evil pays.

The solid thing about the Bible is it gives suggestions on how to attain genuine good feelings in life. A mind at rest is the greatest delight in life.

With life, focus on the present, release the expectations on the future. What you do in the present should be left there. I do good for you today not because of tomorrow but because I chose to do good towards you today.

What comes in the future, accept as prescribed unto you. Don’t stand in front of a moving trailer, obviously avoid danger as in your power to do so, yet understand certain things in this life, good tidings are all, are not entirely misplaced. When good fortunes shines on you, bask in the sunlight, yet knowing the sun burns. Never be too comfortable, take heed, lest you fall. Never be too wise, why waste your life. Never be too down.

I wrote this in my younger days and I will encourage myself today with those words.

Someone, somewhere, had the exact opposite of the day you had today. Find encouragement in that. Should your day be unpleasant. Find humility in that. Should your day be pleasant.

If you come home to your wife, someone lost their wife today. Should you ignore the call of your mom, someone lost their mom today. If your football team just won, someone’s football team just lost. If your child says I love you, someone’s child just said I hate you. If your spouse says let’s fix this marriage, someone’s spouse just walked out of the marriage. Should you get fired from your job, someone got their dream job today.
It is true, it is a fact. From the minute you wake up, someone already had the exact opposite of your day.

If you go out and come back in, you already know someone did not make it back home. If you eat dinner, spare a thought for those who are going without. If you can stand up and walk around, someone cant. Be mindful. Whatever you’re going through hold your head up high, understanding this too shall pass. You are not special but you can do special things. There isn’t much to your life but your life can impact, positively the lives of millions of people. God might not know your name but He specifically gave you fingerprints only known to you. Smile not because everything is good in the world. Smile because you are in the world, that is only advantage you have over the dead. For the dead can frown, but only the living smile. So, smile.

Know that I love you. Don’t be prideful in your suffering. Don’t be boastful in your pain. A fool looks down on whom he can’t create. Don’t be ambitious to be a fool. Life has no meaning, life simply has events. Life is not man, life is simply the passing of time. Man strives for meaning, man begs for meaning, man dies in search of meaning, so give life meaning, more importantly, give your life meaning, give your children meaning, stick around to speak to your children about meaning. Meaning of parenthood, meaning of childhood, meaning of adulting, meaning of breathing, meaning of moving about, meaning of love. And if you don’t know, then what have you been doing with your life? For life gives events, humans give meaning to events. Learn all your days, even things that are meaningless, for to one what is meaningless is genius to the generation to come. Take notice, when seasons changes and leaves display. Take notice when toddlers become children. Take notice when your neighbor loses weight, take notice when your tire loses air. Take notice when your first gray appear, take notice when your friends disappear. Take notice how quickly life is passing you by, for you will be called upon to bestow meaning to this passing of time.

Above all things, I wish that you prosper, not because prosperity is better than poverty, for it is not. They are both cruel teachers. But I wish that you prosper so you can taste, see and experience the world in all its glory without the price of losing your soul. For men, human, male and female, people will ask a toll of you for passing this way, toll that is not theirs to take, when you can’t pay you’d be asked to part ways with what you can’t live without, like your soul, your peace or your common sense, those who aren’t prosperous have little need for these things, so they give away their birth price and spend eternity asking for it back.

That is why I wish above all things that you do prosper so you can defend yourself against blood suckers. I pray you prosper so you can discover your composure and mentality when amongst those less fortunate than you, for only a fool looks down on those he cannot create. And, in many ways fortune exposes foolish ways. Fortune also reveals teachers to help amend your human ways.

Be verse in all things, but don’t be a fool. See all things, but see no evil. Say yes to experiences, but flee from the ungodly. Pagan living is no living.

I have much less to give you, not in hopes that you would give to me in the future, I have much less to give you because the God who created you, in you, have deposited all you need for life in Godliness. You are a unique being, weird with two hands and spaghetti feet. Don’t let anyone tell you, you are not special haha yet listen when told you are no better than the one serving your meal. Be respectful to all, see hope in tomorrow. Live a life, life would be proud of. No matter what comes your way, remain true.

With Love,

Famous Steve.



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