Mind: Identifying What Actually Matters.

Famous Steve
6 min readOct 13, 2021


This morning, I dwell on an inquisitive thought. The thought of what is mine? What is truly mine? How do I know, how do I define what is unmistakably mine? If I were to wear a watch, a watch that I bought, is that watch mine? or am I simply in possesion of the watch? for being in possession and ownership means not the same.

So what then is mine? if said watch was to be snatched by someone else, was I only a safekeeper, a mere middleman between the seller of the watch and the stealer of the watch? say, instead of being snatched, say the watch was lost. In a hurry to board a plane, I forgot the watch on my seat at the boarding counter. Eventually someone would pick up the watch, eventually someone who is not me would hold on to the watch. Was the watch then really mine? Society teaches us that it is, you know, since I paid for it and all — contrary understanding complicates capitalism and capitalism is essential for societal growth. But the truth of it is, if someone else with an identical watch was to sit next to me, we could interact on our taste for similar watches but really that watch is no more mine than his. The watch could be swapped in my sleep and I might not immediately, if at all, know the difference.

What is mine? surely not my gadgets because what is mine can never be stolen. Like my fingerprint. While my fingerprint can be lost (cut off) or damaged, it cannot be physically stolen, taken from me and used by another. My hand is mine, answers only to me.

Think of a child. A child has your resemblance and/or your mannerism. When you go pick up your child from school, the staff can clearly see out of this sea of children, maybe these two belong to you because they look most identical to you and they are heading towards you with big smiles and open arms.

I believe our possessions can be classified into shared property and owned property — for if someone else can replace your usage then it’s shared, regardless of how they came about the substance.

What’s mine cannot be mistaken. What’s mine can never be stolen.

What else is mine? is my blood mine? it’s enclosed inside of me but it can be taken from me and used by someone else. So no it’s a shared property. I am in possession of it now and will make a good owner of it while it’s in my possession but mankind has found a way to turn an owned property (blood) into a possible shared property for the advancement of humanity.

Is my mind then really mine? At this era, yes my mind is mine — because we have not publicly continued the science of transferring brain from one living organism to another. We have blood transfusion down to a science, not yet for brain transfer.

My gut is probably the most ascertained properties of mine. Rarer than a fingerprint. My gut and its environment is completely mine. Therefore, the food I eat is mine. The air I breathe is mine. The water I drink is mine. Mine and mine alone. The bacteria I ingest is mine. My microbiome is entirely mine.

Today, let your thoughts dwell upon items that are entirely yours, most of which are available to you right now. Those are the only aspects you would leave this world with.

Do the best you can with everything else (shared properties) but be not overwhelmed by their state because sooner or later it would move on intentionally or otherwise, sooner or later, it would move on and be used by someone else.

From a Scientific point of view, Doctors consider the below as Primal — for the survival of the genes, they say. And I agree. However, from a Philosophical perspective I submit the same conclusion (focus is the offspring more than the other adult) but from a different route. And that different route is this:

Pay the most attention to your child (ownership) but also care for your wife (shared). However, do not be overwhelmed by your care. That’s one reason up till a century ago, almost all children by default inherited from their fathers (heirs and heiresses), inheritances rarely pass over to their surviving mother. While a child is eternally yours, a wife can seize to be yours. Tough, spiky, brutal pill. Be not offended. You have to understand, back in the day it was not entirely shocking (as it would be today) for mourning Queens to kill off her offsprings in other for her to take over the crown (and their inheritance). Let’s move on.

My life is mine. Psychologically, another could try to take over your life, in terms of flooding your thoughts, beliefs and actions but your actual life, you being alive, that is eternally yours. If you own your life, how about making the most of it? it is purely for your enjoyment. So then live your best life. Go where you can breathe as clean an air as possible, where you can eat healthy delicious food, engage in incredible (legal and moral) experiences. Drink clean water. Interact with nature.

Surprisingly, my laughter is mine, my smile too. A moment is mine, though fleeting, the experience is mine. I want the best experiences, I want to smile and laugh. Not gluttony or excessive indulgence but quality experiences.

Since my mind is mine, my thoughts then are mine, in which case I want to feed my thoughts the best ideas possible. I want my thoughts to dwell on quality and worthy imaginings. For I don’t own a lot but I want the best for those that I own.

It’s incredible, in this moment I’m reminded of a parable, the wise sayings of my ancestors passed down from generation to generation. Translated, it means — what a person eats into their stomach, that’s what they leave (the earth) with. This parable is used to remind a person to set their priorities straight. Be concerned about the right and proper things, things that matter. If you can afford it, then don’t be stingy or overly frugal with how much you spend for a healthy meal. Because surprising to logic and common sense, some people cheap out on the food they eat but splurge on other things. I also know people who cheap out on clothes they wear but splurge on experiences.

In line with what is truly yours, one can also garner that it’s important to pay attention to how you come across to others but do not be overwhelmed by what others would think of you. Rather, be more entangled by making sure your encounters are enjoyable experiences, a delightful memory. Experience and memory, you own those. Other people’s opinion = shared possession. Don’t lose your mind (owned possession) over shared possession.

When it comes to life and what really matters, it is our duty to make our days count. Our lives should count for something that we would be content with. Remember, there are teachings necessary to be taught to keep societies functional. There are stories necessary to be tweaked, omitted and forged to keep humans motivated to progress. These teachings have been formulated, tested, adjusted through centuries. Everyone alive today, since birth, have been exposed to calculated teachings necessary for the advancement of society. And it is necessary for society to advance. It is also necessary for you to seek out understandings, idealogies, not necessarily contrary to societal learnings but rather focused on fruitful living in conjunction with our responsibility to society. Your best effort should go to what you own. Be healthy, be alive, be renewed, be well. Take care of what you share. Be kind to others. Love. Dress well. Pay bills. Support and promote but not at the absolute expense of what is entirely, eternally yours.

Plant the seed.

With Love,

Famous Steve.



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