Mind: Be Whole.

Famous Steve
5 min readAug 16, 2024


Long time.

I’ve been writing, pen and paper. Haven’t been typing, I should do more typing.

Straight and easy concept for us to go over today, improve your decision making and keep unison with self.

Let’s start with a question, get reacquainted. If we moved past the what’s your name and where is your accent from interrogation questions, what would you ask me? what question would I ask you?

If we were to meet in an elevator with limited time, what would you like to know? I would like to know about your psyche, sometimes I find a person’s answer to one question can give you a solid depiction of who the true person is — not the mask they put on, that is the power of a question.

Naturally, I’d ask you something that’d make you think. A question you’d take minutes to explain, a question that turns into a conversation and ultimately makes us hungry, for food, not for more talking or expansive wisdom.

Here’s a question for you:

If you stood up to go get water, on your way to the kitchen you notice the lock on the front door is not locked — meaning anyone can access your house, what would you do? Specifically, what would you first do? Read again if you have to, say aloud your answer or write it down.

While you make up your mind, I will tell you about a word of mouth knowledge — which is something I hear other people depict as wisdom for when a person, the hearer find themselves in that imaginary situation.

A lot of our knowledge is word of mouth thinking. A good portion of what we know come from people we don’t know. Many ways in which we act and respond is in honor of people we no longer know.

If you are in a relationship and you begin to fall for a new person, marry that new person.

Have you heard this “knowledge” or a derivative of this “wisdom”? The explanation generally goes: because if you loved the first person you would not want the second person but if you want the second person then you must feel something for them that is stronger than the first person.

There might be truth to this, if it has been so for you, definitely raise your hand up. For today though I would call foul.

Foul on the play, this is not wisdom. This will mislead a lot of people. Imagine if you have a flat screen television at the house, who doesn’t right? you then go to the store to buy apples but this new curve television, because people love curves, wink wink, anyway, this new curve television is just blowing your mind, do you then buy the curve television and throw away, discard, cut ties, forget the perfectly functioning television you had at the house this morning — does this sound like wisdom to you?

Where does the constant upgrade mentality stop? Nothing is one and done.

The idea of number two is greater than number one is word of mouth knowledge that is foolery. A quick way to lose your way.

Yes, curve television is the craze for the moment, soon there would be another. While you might not have the old box television, kudos if you do, enjoy what you’ve got, essentially. Buy another if what you’ve got is no longer functioning, or go without — it’s not the end of the world.

Let’s bring it home.

First, the word of mouth thinking: Do not leave who you are in a healthy relationship with for the new secretary, do not leave your man for the new trainer at the gym. The upgrade mentality is limiting, you don’t have to believe me but look around and see, how many people who constantly upgrade can walk away from their items or define their personality and self worth without attaching importance to their various upgrades?

Be whole, for you are whole.

We often are not what we are.

If you are in a relationship and you begin to fall for a new person, unfall.

Do not leave number 1 for number 2.

You might be tempted to quote the word of mouth excuse clothed as knowledge — “easier said than done” that’s self limiting. Principles, standards and the right knowledge think of them as “said & done”. Easy has nothing to do with it. It was said, now you know, so go do. Know & do.

The weak talk about how tough a thing is. The strong find strength for it.

Don’t put yourself in situations too tough for you. Be smart about the load (responsibilities of life) you volunteer yourself to carry. Don’t think of principles, standards and the right knowledge as mere “easier said than done”, instead think of principles, standards and the right knowledge as “said & done”. It was said, now you know, then go do. Know & do.

In my younger days I remember reading in a book where the author shares, if you want to be happy in your marriage, fall in love with your wife. After all these years, now I finally understand.

Fall in love with your wife, over and over and over. Make it a conscious effort. Avoid distractions or as I would say, RUN. Upgrade mentality is to keep you a consumer, not an owner. If you can’t pull the meat from that statement, then you’re either too plugged in or yet too young. Learn now or learn later.

For the other question, the question I asked you, here it is:

If you stood up to go get water, on your way to the kitchen you notice the lock on the front door is not locked — meaning anyone can access your house, what would you do? Specifically, what would you first do?

What was your answer? Here’s mine.

Go get the water first. Then lock your door.

Focus on the first things.

With Love,

Famous Steve.

