Life: Who Taught You About Life?
Life — very well, is not much of what we think it to be.
We are born into a system — a way people before our birth (decided or coerced to) go about life. Quickly, we’re introduced to the concept of reward and punishment, conformity and group think, power, order and obedience.
You do right, make your parents proud, you get rewarded ever so slightly or ever so vocal. You don’t do right, meaning an act agreeable with your guardians, you’re met with an unfriendly countenance from the same parents who would rejoice should you behave properly, i.e to their liking.
An established way (a system) of life is neither good nor bad but it does require the majority of people to behave in a similar way, for any way to be effective.
As quickly as some of us could walk, we were thrown into some form of educational system. Here, we are to be conditioned into the established way the adults do things and we are to be mentally molded according to the doctrines of the time. This is still the very early ages of a person’s life.
Whilst we grasp what we’re being spoon-fed to be the meaning of life, the concept of work is soon introduced or better still recognized by the growing mind. Strive to work, work to feed, stay healthy to protect your family is soon understood by the male adolescent child. Responsibilities and behavioral expectations become upcoming checkpoints and barrier-points to gauge our indoctrination into adulthood and these key expectations ensure we do establish and maintain a mental path that is in agreement with that of others around us. Do not become a public enemy. The tribe only trust those who act like the tribe. Essentially.
As biology comes into play — hormones, sights, wants and a curious mind come onstage. The societal mental framework, guided by our early teachers, would have established enough or a good amount of mental barriers to restrict this young human to behaviors and manners acceptable and similar to that of others in that environment. And thus living, child becomes an adult. A functioning, acceptable, in line with others, responsible adult. Responsible here meaning of actions acceptable. An embodiment of the popular beliefs of that time. A product of our education.
To a young mind, biology is the main differentiator between a male child and a female child. We play together, but we the boys get scolded not to rough up our sisters and female cousins the same way we tackle our brothers and male cousins. Yet, we all still wander and run around together, even with the scolding, we know no difference until Biology comes online.
Soon, the male child begins to understand societal expectations for humans like him, in terms of work and temperance. Whilst the female child is understanding being sought after and reproduction. Your female cousin now no longer looks like you and wants to play different from the boys — biology.
Children in one region, to a major extent, are raised alike under a prevailing philosophical system. Which often differs from the adopted principles of another region. This region does this way. This other region does their own way. These people speak this way, these other people speak this other way. Adopted principles of one region being completely different from the way of life and understanding of life of another community, union, state, or people.
This goes out of hand, when a group decides to go beyond their local. Easily goes out of hand when a group decides their own definition of life should supersede that of a locality they do not belong to. A locality that does not belong to them.
Wars and famine could become strategies employed by adults drunk on their principles to promote their thinking and restrict opposing biddings. Each region determined to promote their preferred style of logic and their definition of morals and impose, no matter how harshly, their logic on whomever, wherever. We think this way and we will come to your land and kill you, if you don’t behave how we behave over here.
From the creation of ships, borders were no longer markers of territory but instead became a temptation to go impose wills, test out dark strategies and wipe out people and their ideas. Your region and the prevailing philosophy of that region is now under threat from whichever drunk person who thinks the ideology of his own region should override yours, even though he is thousands of miles removed from you. Thus, became life.
The importance of a region is so critical to the identity of self.
What you think about life is greatly shaped by the region you grew up in because at the time of your birth, that region was controlled by an ideology, which was inevitably instilled inside you. The region of a person, or a people, shape their entire life experience.
What you come to know about life is heavily colored by the ideas of someone else that was prevalent at your birth. In fact you never had the option to know what life really is, you could as an adult re-educate yourself but billions of people never would. And the creation of work and the idea of renewing, unending, bills would keep billions distracted for a lifetime, their lifetime. And life for them gets defined from the scope of ever wanting, never getting or that of a struggle, or of a grass to greener-ashy knuckles to gold ring “success” story.
The conditioning of a kid is so strong that till death that identity is least likely to wash away. The power of a region. Do you behave like your people or do you behave like the drunks who attacked your people? Do you know the ways of your people or do you act like the drunks who took over your borders? What do you know about life, and who taught you?
When you discriminate, why do you do that? when you think yourself better than the customer service agent in India, why do you do that? When you automatically assume gardening and lawn mowing is for latinos, who taught you that? Let’s rough up some edges, shout out our prejudices, not to correct, no, but to make a point. And that point is that you were educated, classroom or not and you continue to be educated, textbook or not.
The power of a region — essentially shapes the entire narrative of a person’s life. It colors the entire existence of the person’s life. In fact, we can, in this moment make the bold statement that a child born in one region would in their entire life time of a 100 years be stigma’d based on that one region they took their first breath. The vocal sound and pronunciation in the way they speak, the languages they speak, fluency, local education based on their locality and their ability to control language and societal systems outside their locality — these they would be judged on, constantly, all things the same, for the rest of their lives.
That is how limited humans thinking, well how limited adult thinking, how limited adults drunk on their principles think. When I say Syria, what comes to mind? What about Venezuela? When I say someone was born in China, or you see an incoming call from Korea, what prejudice fills your mind?
Then religion. The singlehandedly most impactful, brilliant strategy (dark strategy or not). This one introduction to life educate masses without having to board any ship, to go anywhere. Religion wiped out ideologies, erased lives, communities vanished, practices passed from generation to generation disappeared, languages went extinct, wealth redirected — there is no telling of the unimaginable impact religion has had and will continue to have — without firing a single shot from a barrel loaded with bullets. Keep in mind, I am a bonafide Christian. But I am not blind to the impact of religion, in fact the impact of any religion.
It comes down to the idea of unity. Well, it comes down to idea and unity. The philosophical principles accepted and implemented within a society is at its base simply an idea. A suggestion to behave and regard a certain way. An apple is not an apple unless we all call it an Apple. First is the idea to name this fruit, either red or green, an apple. Second, is the unity to call it every time by the chosen name of Apple.
If we go by the same rules, we can live longer together as a people. If we separate ourselves from those who don’t live by the same rules, we can, once again, live longer together and the opposing ideologies can live together by themselves yet separate from differing way of life.
At the basic level, there are two operating systems. The Natural way, that is, leave a child in the jungle and this basic system will surface. And, the Human Principle way, that created by humans.
The Natural way is See and Learn. This is the inbuilt system for All Creatures. See, and learn. This system is used by almost all animals, including a few humans.
The Human Principle way is Learn without seeing. This is not inbuilt, we pick this up, we download this logic, so to speak. This system is used by most humans but not that many (non human) animals. We do not have to see a crime to imagine details of the crime. We do not have to see an instant reward to our effort to imagine some reward to our effort.
Now, humans are divided. We are divided into two operating systems.
If you behave by your Natural operating system you will be different from the rest.
If it is one man, one wife, this is an adopted principle, because in nature, while some animals mate for life, majority of animals do not, they mate with whomever and would go to great lengths to defeat who they have to and kill what they have to, unbothered. Alright, so if it is one man, one wife which is a Human Principle operating system and you behave based on your Natural operating system, you will wreak havoc on your life and your finances. In the laws of Natural operating system, the strong survives. You have to challenge whoever has, beat them before you can get. This system would not prolong human lives because those who have aren’t the strongest, neither do they want to be confronted or challenged.
As a boy, I thought the goal of adulthood was to be wealthy. Well, not even wealthy, but rich. At the time, this meant to have desired items, spend money upgrading your life and to have more you could spend. Rich, more money than your expenses, more money than your neighbor, more money period.
The concept of having abundance, the concept of having wealth, the concept of having anything while another lacks — this is handled differently from a Natural Operating system and from a Human Principle system.
If it is enjoy your wealth, this is another adopted principle, because in nature the stronger gets, not the fortunate. Alright, so if it is enjoy your wealth and those without, stronger or not, should go work, to get or inherit to get — which is a Human Principle operating system but you decide to go take what is not yours, you will go to prison. A place that houses individuals who operate based on Natural operating system of pure survival. In the laws of Human Principle operating system, life is at good as the odds make it for you. A few knuckle heads could disturb your enjoyment of wealth but for majority of those who have, they’d continue to have. This becomes a problem when a government promotes the Human Principle theories to its people, but the government officials, go by their Natural operating system. A classic mismatch. The people are forced into compliance while the the enforcers of the law bribe, embezzle, hoard, misuse funds belonging to the union.
An established way (a system) of life is neither good nor bad but it does require the majority of people to behave in a similar way, for any way to be effective.
Do not become a public enemy. The tribe only trust those who act like the tribe. Essentially.
As adults, we are to behave according to the prevailing system. Because those who act contrary are separated and restricted for the prevailing system to be effective.
You are to identify actions that are sprung from your Natural operating system and subdue those prompts to act. You are to simultaneously identify a corresponding response from your Human Principle operating system and respond thus.
The Bible is a resource to teach you how to respond and encourages a particular ideology. It also sheds light on how to avoid those who act contrary to its promoted ideology. The concept of evil is to deprive another not for your benefit for the satisfaction of their deprivation. Don’t be evil. It is not an operating system. It is a bug. Do not be evil.
Do not misunderstand, while in theory we are to behave like everyone else, that is based on Human Principle because that is the system we were born into, we are however influenced by the Natural Way. Movies, songs and news is exactly and completely based on a See and Learn basis. Because no matter how refined we are as a people, human as a specie was designed by God to have the Natural Way operating system.
It is imperative you do not only focus on being in accordance with others, but you are attentive to the other ways you are being educated and being re-educated. In fact, there are countless research these days, what do you think they’re researching? they are all trying to find the basis and depth of our Natural programming. When they know, they can begin to alter.
Life a hundred years ago was different from life three hundred years ago. Life a thousand years ago will be different from life a hundred years into the future. Your life is yours to make what you will, step out of line too far and you will be quarantined. Succeed too much according to the definition of success in the prevailing ideology of your time and you will be visited by those operating in their Natural operating system.
Protect yourself at all times.
It is imperative that you design a good life for yourself, preferably not in prison, but in safer, nicer climates.
As you get older, you are soon to realize that some individuals would begin to thread the extreme in promoting their ideologies, choosing their survival, well preferring the survival of their idea and the survival of those who employ that ideology over opposing ideas and opposing people. Yet, wherever you find yourself be sure of the consequences of your actions. Do not be evil. Find a guiding book, read it continuously to prepare yourself with a valid response when you think to go opposite of prevailing processes.
The masses do not get asked what ideology they’d rather live by, you get born into a place, at a hospital preferably, in a city that is in a state and in a country. An environment governed by certain principles and you are required to live accordingly or be put in a cage with those who choose to oppose the governing ideology. Some people are fortunate to move, change climates, change location, change environment, change continents in search of a more easy to digest way of life. Some people struggle more than others to agree or conform.
Whichever class you find yourself, you can move. You can move to a different region and learn their ways. I would believe that humans were not to settle in one locality all their life, but instead meant to wander, travel, find their tribe and live within and amongst their tribe. Those with whom they share a similar or agreeable understanding.
Life is beautiful.
We do not control much of the governance of the world. Humans have come to compete with God or better still find loopholes to impose their own logic no matter how flawed or different it might be. We actually might never really know the motive and true design of God when He created the world and us in it because reality is so distorted we will never really know what is what. We might never truly know His intention for this world. And I don’t mean what was written in the Bible, while a guide to a clear conscience life, the Bible however is human tainted.
The world has been tainted so much and continue to be tainted that animals have to adjust to life in a cage, i.e a zoo, for the amusement of humans. In our life time, all we can do is to make for ourselves a good lot, food to eat, raise a family with someone who is level headed, live in peace with our neighbors, live a lifestyle that would not send us to human cages, live a life with a clean conscience and be happy to die when that time comes without fastening nor seeking it out.
This is heavy, but it is good. Maybe, just maybe God’s initial intent was for man to upgrade his logic. We did receive a thinking mind for a reason. We did reason an urge to improve for a reason. We did overcome the biggest, broadest, most dangerous terrains, animals and climates, humans did do that. Wherever you find yourself, create a good life. What we don’t know, we don’t know. What we do know, majority of it our children will not know. Our fifth generation would be under a different philosophical reign, what can we do but wish them well? what can we do but wish ourselves well?
Above all things, I wish you a good life. I wish you health, a strong body, a strong mind, a flourishing marriage, Godly children and a good fortune.
Keep your chin up. Rejoice. Find the good, then enjoy it.
God is with you.
With Love,
Famous Steve.