Life: Walk Into A Pole.

Famous Steve
6 min readSep 10, 2024


I have had a strong couple of days. I chose “strong” so as to not use “difficult”, eventful though would be the better word. I’ve had an eventful couple of days.

It starts with a difficult conversation Saturday, I unfortunately had to break a girl’s heart. I dreaded making the call, I finally did. I said I’m sorry, truly meant it, wished her well.

I turn around, Sunday, and a different girl that I was beginning to like tells me she’s moving on and I think that karma was quick. I mean, wow! She didn’t tell me she was sorry though, but she blew me a kiss after her message. I decided to focus on her moving on part and not the kiss part, let’s not confuse everybody.

Then there’s the lovely (another) girl I later had a good conversation with thereafter. Emotions up down up or was it down down up? My mortal combat days were a long time ago. Stay focused.

Oh, there’s the lengthy phone conversation from my aunty quickly summarized as “you’re too comfortable being a bachelor, you’re getting old, GO and FIND a wife then MARRY, like today” essentially. Those pressure calls are becoming rapid and more constant. Yay, me.

Then, Monday. I had to be ON on Monday. Meaning, my five senses or is it six? all my senses had to be alert, my sharp mind had to be especially sharp, high stakes Monday for me.

You know like going into a big negotiation or buying an office building, or running for election big moment type situation where I had to count and rely on my wits and God’s confidence to navigate what could be stormy waters. Anyways, I showed up, I mean my sharp mind and God’s confidence carried me through Monday and I made it into Tuesday. Phew!

Today is that Tuesday btw, and I can finally breathe down, I’m finding how to just breathe down. Calm seas from here.

On my walk this morning, I had a thought. God is silent. Like Silent silent. Like God is so silent, you begin to wonder. I mean, no wonder many people think He isn’t there, many think God doesn’t care, all because of how silent God is. I kept on walking, swinging my right hand, holding my bottle of water, I kept on walking and kept on thinking.

God is silent. Think very silent that’s how God is, He doesn’t drag your head in one direction, He doesn’t yell at you when you’re about to walk into a pole or even a ditch. God doesn’t make you miss your flight if you haven’t made peace with your spouse, God is continuously silent. Yet, He’s there.

How do I know? That God is there? Remember Monday? Yesterday? He was with me. He was still silent but I could read the writing on the wall and that was only because of Him. I am Christian, so all I have, all I am is because of God.

I have muscles, my muscles cannot make for me the great life I continue to enjoy. I am smart, very smart actually, bold too but my brilliance cannot acquire all that I have been privileged to receive.

Not my power at all. And, I am conscious and normal enough to know this. It’s not “being humble”, it’s just common sense, I cannot acquire these in my own power, I’d be a fool to think I could because I know I can’t. And remember, you can be all things but don’t be foolish. Then, how? God.

Back to the walk, I continued thinking about why and how God is silent yet He directs and saves those who listen. Then I read my Bible, not on the walk but after I got home — when it was time for me to read, I read my Bible and my reading today just so happens to be a message from Paul where he talks of earthly beings having one form and body and Heavenly bodies having their own form. You don’t plant the body, you plant the seed, the seed brings or grows into the body, body and seed do not look alike is the idea.

And I take from that as it relates to my initial thought that God is, and communicates in His heavenly form different from what my earthly form naturally expects and know to understand. My next thought was then, does God owe us anything?

What does God owe us? To wake us up. That’s it. Haha. But I want more!

God does not owe us anything more than what He has freely given us. A lot of people have an issue with matters relating to God because they were of the opinion that God owed them this, that and the next. God should HAVE done A, B, C and make their X permanently disappear. Well, too bad.

What does God owe us? To wake us up. That’s it.

What you do with your day is up to you. You can praise Him the whole day, you can fast the whole day, you can go do pagan things, you can go to work, you can have difficult conversations and turn around to receive difficult conversations, you can be a Godly person and what that is too difficult, you can be a good person. You can honor your parents, you can forget your kid’s birthday, you can ignore your spouse, you can make peace with your neighbor, what you do with the day is completely and entirely up to you. You can spend the whole day at the mechanic, you can shop and only eat organic or you can name your kid Cedric. What you do is up to you.

God has done His part, the sun obeyed His command, the earth did not fold unto itself, air did not disappear or appear whichever is accurate since we can’t see air to begin with haha. What you do can give you lasting joy or lasting discomfort. God will not give you a flat tire to prevent you from visiting your lying relative. God will not disrupt your electricity to stop you from either watching a preaching (which you are probably not doing) or stop you from watching pagan adult entertainment.

Whatever you do, is up to you. Yet, God is watching. Silently.

What’s my point? Make today count. What we can learn from God is we can lead silently. Silence is not absence. What can we learn from the past couple of days I’ve had? Life continues or Aunty’s call should (not) be sent to voicemail haha. God will do all things in its time. All we can pray is:

“Sustain me Lord, give me strength for this phase of my life.”

That is my daily prayer, I welcome you to find comfort in learning it and making the prayer yours.

Everything else is secondary. I don’t know what difficult week or weekend you’ve had or are about to have, mine might have been a tough couple of days, some people are going through a tough month, a tough year or a tough life all together. My heart goes out to you in whatever capacity you’re engaged in Life. Peace be unto you. Love and Harmony surround you.

Even in His silence, God guides and protects us. Do not fall for the fallacy of the world, each time you go outside you should be reminded that there is a God. Our fore fathers did not create the environment. Land alone is too complicated for the human mind to reproduce, not to talk of the seas, nor the birds of the air.

Don’t confuse sight for vision. Don’t confuse research for prophecy.

You are beautiful and wonderfully made and God is with you. Always. Silently. Haha

Go prosper. Conquer. Warrior. Conquer.

With Love,

Famous Steve.

