Life: Feed Another.

Famous Steve
4 min readMar 4, 2025


What does it take to not repeat bad news?

It’s like once you know, you have to share. Like a hot gossip, well topic. Once you know and there’s someone you can share with, you want to get it off your chest, quick. Your focus becomes selfish, get the urge off your chest, the unprepared hearer can go deal with the burden of the information.

Is this why Testimony became a thing? Confessions became a way of life? Even therapy and counseling, the good ol’ get it off your chest. I’ve encountered publication from therapists who almost complain about the extremities people share in sessions, confirming certain things should not be repeated, even to a therapist you pay to hear anything “on your mind”.

Back to the matter, what is it about shocking news, terrible news, the “break down of society”, the newest method of doing away with morality, what is it about these stories that makes them burdensome to hold off, challenge to ignore, where the release from your mouth and unto the unsuspecting listener is the easiest, least form of resistance?

This could be the simplest of not good news, like driving past an accident, boom you share that with whomever you’re on the phone with. Many people don’t see anything wrong with that. Or, you see someone slip and fall, you can’t wait to share that experience with whomever is home waiting for you. Or the one I’m most guilty of, you read something online that just makes you think what is going on in the world then boom, screenshot, send — with no thought inbetween. Or the one I am guilty of today, someone asks you to share something personal and you immediately go to something almost awful that almost happened to you. . it’s like click, whirl, repeat. What about the good stories? I have a ton of good stories. What about no stories at all?

If the News media only focused on good news, no one would buy televisions.

That’s a huge assumption. Huge doesn’t mean wrong.

To learn mouth control, mid last week, I wrote down it takes discipline to not repeat information that does not glorify God — or something around those lines and two days later I find myself itching to share an un-amusing story about a couple, a story depicting the further breakdown of morals. I sent a screenshot to the group chat, me and the fellas conversed on the absurdity. Yet, I still itched for an in person conversation. I tried to ignore the urge to share, I even forewarned the chosen listener: “this isn’t good news and I have stayed days not wanting to share the information, anyways here goes. .” after the big reveal, I felt worse because the information was almost distasteful, the listener complained something like “you should pay attention to good news” and I had a flashback to my younger days when I would tell people “good news only”, good days when I didn’t spend so much time on the internet and the world wasn’t this crazy, though the world has been crazy a long time.

We blame the News outlet for always sharing unending bad news. During family gatherings, we turn away from that cousin who only speaks doom and gloom, we hang up on telemarketer preachers going on about some end of the world fiasco. What about our personal lives? How do you tame the itch to repeat news that suddenly crosses your path?

I will take a more conscious approach to what I share with others. I am very particular about the information others share with me, now I have to be just as conscious about what I offload on another.

A key takeaway for me is — if you continue to look for the many ways humans are immoral, unrighteous, selfish, foolish,’s an endless loop of discoveries. I keep getting surprised by the breakdown of trust in unions but like the advice I received two days ago, focus on the good news.

There is evil in the land, be careful. Sometimes knowing what your fellow humans are capable of prepares you for whomever wants to take advantage of your kindness. Yet, for your own good, there should be a strict limit.
Why live in fear? it’s a waste of living. I’d say.
Why be too wise and waste your life? The wisest man ever said that.

There is good in the land, don’t forget. With these are you to renew your mind. What you feed another, they carry with them. What you open yourself to, you imagine yourself going through. Open yourself to congratulations and good stories. And share the stories from the best part of your day with those who belong to you, let the other parts dwindle away. Share the best part.

I have no reason to not share good news, well neither do you!

Speak life.

With Love,

Famous Steve.



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