Life: Be Useful Everyday
Day come, day go.
Some say it’s been a long day
alluding to a did a lot day,
others wonder how quickly
day come and they go.
How much of a lifetime should be allocated to the finding out, understanding and sorting of life’s concerns? How long before you can be said to “get it”?
Say, a young adult starting life at 21, should she have a strong grasp of life by the age of 65?
In a world of no standards, masses yell do as you please, be a fool if it agrees. But not so far in history, life came with certain — respect elders, honor parents — standards. One of those standards was not to be a fool, after 40.
What’s that saying? A fool at 40 is a fool forever. Is a young man then expected to have life understood and sorted by age 40? Those much older could easily say 40s is “still a baby”.
Imagine a student concerned about semester credits, lecture hours and study rooms, motivated to learn till the certificates come home, leaving or finishing school at 32, would the judges and gatekeepers of society give said student only 8 years of adulting to untie the knots of generational expectations? Before labeled a fool? or is a person expected to be so ahead in years like in their seventies to no longer be foolish?
Like people waiting in line,
we have a number,
suddenly, eventually,
said number would be called
to exit the physical
and make way for the umbilical.
One born, another gone.
As day come and day go,
people come and people go.
To “make it count”, would then mean what? Do all you can do? Go everywhere that calls you? Be useful everyday? How do you make your days count? It seems we should be in a hurry to experience this life before we go, yet tons of flesh just snail along each day uninspired.
I wouldn’t ask you what is the meaning of life because it is an almost unanswerable and loaded question. But, what is the meaning of life? What meaning do you seek with your life? Based on the path I tread, what meaning would an observer say my life focused on?
Humans create a gaming system to enforce productivity and ensure compliance at the benefit of societal expansion, at the cost of complete delusion leaving older generations rendered foolish at old age and younger generations proud to bear the armor of foolish-ism without disgrace.
Wait not on another to encourage you to make the most of your life before a younger, new born, takes your place. As day come and day go, one day will come for you to go. Be in a hurry to experience this life, inspired and determined.
Where fortune leads, with your deeds, sow good seed.
With Love,
Famous Steve