Intentionally Emotionally Absent.

Famous Steve
2 min readJul 7, 2020


Emotions, I’m sure to pull out of you
Your curiosity, it’s certain I would intrigue
And, certain it is. You can’t wait to know more.
Seconds, you count, till you hear from me again.
What you lack I will make available
And, available they are,
yet your caution takes control for their unfamiliarity.
Wonder you will, where I’ve been all your life
For laughter we will, and cry we shan’t, no yet, too soon.
Places we will go and happy ending stories will I tell you
Not because I want to win you over, though I would
But because you deserve the beautiful, the intentional,
the special, the laughter, someone’s dedication.
You deserve to be treated and you deserve to be remembered.
My secrets will I hold on to, my heart will I shelter.
Your sweet spots will I find, and your words will I remember.
Your world I will enter and my presence you will know
Happy you shall be, and wanted you will feel.
In the clouds would your head be as you walk amongst mortals
Admiration, affection, intense conjugation and satisfaction
All good emotions will be known to you. For that is my gift.
And my gift will I give to you.
In time, your heart will I catch but for mine, there’s a catch.
For most get wrapped up in these pleasures,
And comfortably forget to seek my heart.
Because receiving is almost effortless.
Many you will find, are only as concerned as their wellbeing requires
And remain unskilled in the beauty of wooing
While my gifts could shine bright, only my heart refuels.
Unengaged, separate, uninvited, un-sort after, remains my heart.
I cannot make my heart love you, only you can.
As my loving gifts begin to fade
You call me cold, confusing, unloving, maddening, unemotional
You look in the mirror, yet still blame me.
For you were swept off your feet
But much you didn’t do to sweep me up with you.
I wonder, would you be special or go the way of most?
For if I was a betting man, and I am,
Just like most, you will enjoy my gift while holding on to yours
And still blame me for moving on because love wasn’t us.



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