How To Be Excited About Tomorrow.

Famous Steve
4 min readSep 5, 2016


I don't like routine. I fit in the box of people who don’t want to be put in a box. Moments when I find myself most upset is when I have nothing to look forward to.

Of course, there’s the financial goal everyone has and there are projects and responsibilities people set far into the future, those don’t count.
They are nothing more than postponed stress waiting to happen.

Remember that hobby of yours? Remember the passion you could engage in almost endlessly without asking for a pay check, as long as you have food to eat and the pina colada keeps flowing? That’s what I’m referring to. That place where you are most alive. That is something to look forward to, not clicking “send payment” or signing yet another receipt.

For many people like me, we make a paycheck doing things we have to do, we spend so much time in places we don’t want to be in. And a lot more people use that pay check to pay bills without getting around to doing things they actually like. I know, no judgments though.

You can see how some people would live a long life of going round in circles, never actually getting around to taking that trip, seeing that castle or doing what they actually like.

We all have to make a paycheck, I try not to be naive. I know almost no one wants to dedicate their entire life for a couple dollars. Most people do it just to secure a comfortable life for them and their family. Which in some cases is very brave.

What I also hope for is that at some point, life is lived away from the cycle, away from the cubicle, we attempting a higher level of bravery, away from the grind, away from the hustle. Hustle never sleeps. If you are fully committed to the hustle, you would never sleep. Don’t be so committed to the hustle, sleep, relax, eat, travel, sometimes taking a break ends up improving your hustle.

Through my journey in life, I’m realizing that people know what they want.
I know what I want, you know what you want. That’s two people right there. As much as many of us are led to think we are a confused species, from my interactions with different types of people, I believe, people do know what they want.

A homeless man can recite his dreams, aspirations and a better future just like a sheltered middle school kid can tell you exactly what they want to happen. So knowing what you want is not the issue, in order to be excited about tomorrow, you have to create a definite occurrence for tomorrow.

A person knowing what they want is like a rat chasing a cheese it’d never get. The chase doesn’t make a difference, just as the knowing doesn’t make a difference.

Scheduling an appointment, a date, a plane ticket, making concrete plans toward what you want is like standing on the titanic with your arms spread out, with peace and excitement. Action makes all the difference.

The secret to being excited about tomorrow is committing to a definite event that’d happen in two months, in four months. Have something you look forward to, more than the pay check and the grind. Whatever it is, go ahead schedule something exciting months in advance.

Having a passion you look forward to gives you a reason to stay alive.

Mine is to travel. Yours could be to volunteer.
Plan a trip. Plan a donation. Schedule an appointment for something fun. Feel your heart pump as you look forward to something.

I realized about three months back that this is the way for me
to maintain my mental state — which ends up indirectly improving every other aspect of my life.
Nothing motivates you to work out as much as knowing you have an upcoming trip. You get really careful with spending when you know you have an upcoming trip. You do your laundry when you know you have an upcoming trip, you arrange your house…you get the point.

Infomercials teach being healthy and being in shape really well, which is actually solid wisdom but we have to bring our attention back to mental health. A banging body with too many loose screws upstairs is someone you don’t want to be. Treat yourself, care for your mental health.

This is the way to be excited about next month and the month after that.

You having an exciting event that’d happen on the second Saturday of October would make today more tolerable regardless of what comes your way. Because you know on the second Saturday in October, you would be doing something you enjoy, something you want to do, you’d be somewhere you choose to be. You’d be exercising control over your life, not answering to the call of master Money.

I would be more excited about December if there’s something scheduled to happen in December — an event that’d tick my mental excitement spots, rather than it being just another day in just another month of just another year.

Having a passion you look forward to gives you a reason to stay alive.

Stay alive, have a passion.

With Love,

Famous Steve.



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