Dusts, Trees and Happy Place.

Famous Steve
2 min readFeb 19, 2020


With shorts on, flip flops and a comb in my hair,
Trees to my right and a flowing river to my left,
I stroll on this dirt road,
Unconcerned, whistling, as bicycle bells ring past me.

Old trucks drive by, as dusts rise up,
I register my unending love for city life.
Yet, I crave for the affair this is,
My fleeting lust for the countryside.

The lingo is different here.
People are not so concerned about the distant future here.
Passersby are obligated to wave “hello” to every passing car here.
Community, is different here. Community is present here.

Here, the place where internet is rarely seen & headphones are unpopular.
Here, where “busy workin” is frowned upon but hard workin’ is a way of life.
Neighbors here, laugh. Like, really laugh.
Belly hurting, teary eyes, “You get to see their teeth” kind of laugh.

As I walk down these dirt roads,
thinking about the dusts now dwelling on my city feet,
I soak in the simplicity of this life,
Being aware the core reason of existence could be viewed in different ways.

Some of my family members raised here, think of us city folks as unlearned
Because all our conversations are only about one topic, money.
City folks think of them simple and uneducated
Because they believe money is not the same as value.

Some are content with all that they have.
While others are content, knowing they get to pursue all they’re yet to have.
Same people, springing from the same familial seed.
Yet, outlook on life is as different as a yellow jug from a green bottle.

In an attempt to accurately locate happiness, I watch, I observe.
Understanding a better life could be found somewhere in the middle.
Somewhere in the city.
Alas, also somewhere on this dirt road, walking the countryside.



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