Difference Between Men & Women: Deliberately Non Functional.

Famous Steve
3 min readJul 5, 2020


Source: Pixabay Feel me feeling you

I’m more of a light switch and very much not a volume knob.
I don’t steadily gradually increase in degrees
When I’m on, you’ll know so. I’m off, and you can tell.
All you have to do is watch.
I don’t have a middle.
I’m either on like a bulb or I’m all the way off.
I don’t want to have to tell you
Whether I’m on or off when you could see for yourself
I could, however, flicker so much so, before you say on, I’m off again.
Generally, you could look at me and tell whether I’m on or off.
When I’m off, I want to be on. When I’m on, I want to be on.
If this rotation is out of whack then I need your help to correct course.
If I’m on and you want me off, just piss me off.
If I’m off and you want me on, simply turn me on.

And this, my dear, is true for majority of men. Simple in his complexity.

You don’t have a switch to flip.
You don’t instantly go from hot to cold, or from off to on, on command.
You instead steadily gradually increase like a thermostat.
Your commitment, attachment, love
and affection is not a waterfall but a rainfall.
Sometimes you’re on, while you might stay on,
You could seem so low it’s tough to know for sure that you’re on.
Many, would mistake you to be off. But in fact, you are, on.
You have the super powers
To come off like you want to be left alone yet you don’t want me to move
Other times, you want to be left alone and infact don’t want me in sight
Like an oven, sometimes you burn so hot, so very hot. Then you go off
But the steam from how hot you’ve burned makes me think you’re still on,
Makes me think you’re still in this relationship
But you checked out a while ago.

And this describes majority of women. Complex in her simplicity.

I can’t promise not to flicker off and on in rapid successions.
When I do, hold me. Give rest to my flicking switch.
Speak peace to my wandering heart. Hold tight to my questioning mind.
You wouldn’t tell me when you’re overly committed,
I should pay attention and I’m trying.
I’m training an internal thermometer to measure your thermostat.
On days when you burn hot, I would dare to hold you,
Be there for you, though, I get burned.
When you’re cold, I would rub your back, kiss your cheek
And remind you, that I’d be here, for you, till you freeze me to death.
With some good luck we can hope we don’t lose control on the same day,
at the same time. For then the demise of our relationship would be imminent.



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