Day 6 | Life: The Most Important Job In The World.

Famous Steve
6 min readApr 17, 2021


We’ve gone over a lot of information. Hopefully ten percent of it is useful to you.

You are more than you know. All the days of your life is not enough to understand all that you are. It takes more than one person to understand one person, so it’s not a quest to do on your own. I, however, applaud you on giving a thought to what could be of your life should you enhance your mental strength.

You’re not going to know about yourself by learning about yourself. You’re going to know about yourself by learning what others wrote about themselves.

Getting older expands your view of life and your view of self. What you thought was gray when you were younger, you no longer consider gray when you’re older. Who you thought you were as a person when you’re younger, you no longer recognize when you’re older. What you thought life was about, doesn’t seem like the way to live. Getting older surprises you.

Your life, like mine and the other person down the street, our lives’ filled with doing. You’ll start to notice at any moment of doing, that you’re either engaged in something you want to do or something you don’t want to do.

How you feel about a thing does not guarantee whether or not you would engage in the thing.

You like a thing does not mean you’d do it.
You don’t like a thing does not mean you won’t do it.
You like a thing does not mean you won’t do it.
You don’t like a thing does not mean you would do it.

What you’ll do and how you feel are not the only criterias your mind takes into account to administer an action.

What you know controls what you choose to do. What you know controls what you feel. What you feel is your blindspot — it exposes you to behaviors that can be sensible or insensible.

You can override yourself but be careful. Use this superpower wisely. Use it to build your life.

What is good for you, is not always what you want.
And, what you want is not always good for you.

Let me share something personal with you that came about from this principle. This completely blew me away. Shocking till today.

A girl that I have to have is a girl that matches my life.
A girl that matches my life, might not, in fact, most likely would not, be a girl that I want. Scary isn’t it.
Do not go by what you want, go by what you have to have. What I want is to own my time, but who cares what I want. What I have to have is to win in life with my faith in God intact. And if I only go by what I want, I’d make decisions that contradict what I have to have.
They say the most important job in the world is to be a parent. Well, that’s not true.
The most important job in the world is to control yourself. If you cannot manage yourself, you cannot do anything else right.

What we have to have sometimes looks nothing like what we want so we end up losing out on what’s good for us. Knowing is one thing, what we do with it makes all the difference.

Feeling: Emotions surrounding an action. | Knowledge: The options to act on.

Our feelings and actions does not define the effects of our behavior. We are equipped with the ability to self harm, even though we know it’s not good for us, even though we consciously do not want to do it.

Just the same, we are quite capable to self help, even though we do not feel like taking the action, even though we know it’d be good for us.

How we feel and What we do does not qualify Good from Dangerous.

You find yourself thinking “Well, I’m not crazy. I know this isn’t good for me, I know that. I don’t even want to do it but I find myself doing it anyways because that’s the only way to not do it.” It becomes a trap then to think “Well, if I keep coming back to this, then it has to mean something. It must mean I do in fact want to do this.”

You think “you do it once, that way you don’t have to do it again, until you keep doing it over and again.”

A homeless man once taught me about a mindset that helped him recover from drugs. He said, “One is too many but one thousand is not enough.” I had to write it down to understand what he meant. I thought it was a riddle I had to answer. Too much intellect for my small brain. Use your power for good.

A few months ago, I also found out about a mental trick our minds play on our intelligence. The author called it Self Actualization Fallacy.

This is when your bad decisions, things you’ve decided not to engage in, start to seem like good ideas. The catch though is that after you give in, after you engage in the activity, your mind reverts back to “Eww, I shouldn’t be doing this.”

Be aware of what you’re being taught. Because we keep on learning, we keep on improving or regressing. Your fate is not set in stone. Your future is not written in ink. You can make adjustments. Make it good adjustments.

Wrong turns are a part of the journey, getting lost is a part of the story but continuously making wrong turns, continuously getting lost is not who you are and should not be who you want to become.

People get lost for a reason. Either because they do not know which way leads to their destination or because they want to try new roads. For every journey, there is a path. Find yours and follow it faithfully, bringing with you as little mental baggage as possible. Heal. Begin to heal now. I’m talking to you and to myself. Refuse to cope, heal instead.

Above all, like the Psalmist, I wish you a fruitful life. “. . like a tree planted by the rivers of waters..” Understanding this: the ideal tree only brings forth its fruits in Season. Which means there would be times, out of season, where the most ideal tree would have no fruits. The test of health then is not the sign of the fruit but the strength of the root.

My wish for you is that just as you are alright when you are in your season with your blossoming fruits of labor, so be alright in your off season without immediate fruits to show. Believing and knowing that you are exactly where you have to be, you haven’t fallen from grace, God is not upset with you, you haven’t lost it, you are just awaiting your new season and just as the Sun rises and the moon reveals itself, the season will unveil and your fruits shall be seen.

Hold on to Faith. Believe in God. You shall do great things. Mark my words. You are destined to do great things. So Rise up and be counted. God is with you. God is still with you. All these are my wishes to you.

With Love,

Famous Steve.



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